casa nuova
Bio vineyard
Our winery started biological agriculture in 2015 and was certified in 2018 by Valoritalia, the quality-check authority entitled by the Ministry of Agricultural and forestal Policies. Our vineyards, that for the majority have more than 90 years of life, grows on stony clay loam, sometimes stony. Viticultural soil has an optimal tenor in organic substance between 1,5% and 2%; We practice the cutting of pruning cane and give one additional part of humus with organic amendments like compost.
Vine guyot cultivation and our pruning method, that have always been done here in Casa Nuova, are what makes the longevity of our vines. We alternate mowing grass and tiling soil. We use maximum care in treating the soil with copper and sulphur, only if necessary and always in small quantities in order to contrast the two fungi peronospora and powdery mildew, which can compromise the harvest. We use pyrethrum to eliminate the bug vector of Golden Flavescence: a deadly disease for vines which is imposed by Piedmont regional authorities.
When the grapes reach their optimal ripeness, generally during September, we start the harvest, by hand as it has always been. It is a crucial moment, very hectic, but ultimately extremely satisfactory because it is in that moment that the year’s hard work reap its fruits.
Biological agriculture is regulated by a first rule CE 2092/91, then by Reg. CE 834/2007. The last became effective from the first of January 2022, after a year-long postponement due to the Pandemic, is Reg. UE 848/2018, which alongside with the previous rules provide guidelines on cultivation modalities.
casa nuova Bio vineyard
We follow and respect Seasons
Casa Nuova follows Seasons

Casa Nuova follows Seasons

Casa Nuova follows Seasons

Casa Nuova follows Seasons